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Participants for the UWV client council

WANTED: participants for the UWV client council 📣 WHY THE CLIENT COUNCIL? The benefits working group wondered: "What are some ways we can stand up for the interests of Lyme patients even more and more broadly?" This led to the idea of having a Lyme patient on all UWV client councils (eleven spread across the country) who can represent us and stand up for the interests of Lyme patients. The client council provides solicited and unsolicited input with UWV and provides advice. By fighting together with others for a better UWV policy, you can occasionally contribute something that will benefit tens of thousands of people in the future. Over the past two years we have done a lot of recruitment to set up this project, but there has been no success yet due to a lack of registrations. Will you help us have real influence within the UWV? More information about the client council can be found here: [website hidden] [website hidden] Clientenparticipatie-[phone number hidden](1).pdf 💪 WHAT WILL YOU DO: Participate on behalf of yourself and the association in the meetings of the UWV client council. You make known the experiences of yourself and other Lyme patients regarding policy, so that solutions can also be found. You also meet about the experiences that others have around the UWV. Meet with the Lyme Association about action points and, together with the benefits working group, look at which action points are important. Providing solicited and unsolicited advice to the UWV and thinking about how they can improve their service. 🙋 WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Anyone who: Is busy with the UWV application or objection procedure Have a UWV benefit. Has a UWV facility. Is registered as a job seeker with the UWV. 💚 WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU IF: have Lyme and have to deal with the UWV, but have already processed these experiences to some extent so that a constructive conversation can take place. You can raise the interests of Lyme patients, but you can also look at the interests of others in the client council. Are able to read, understand and test documents. Are willing to take training. Are able to travel to meetings (transport can be arranged by the UWV). Often in your own region, but occasionally at a central point in the country are available 2 days a week 💬 VOLUNTEERS EXPERIENCE: “I can sit on the couch and sulk about that stupid UWV, or I can work so that other people don't run into the same things.” “In many cases, the UWV actually does something with our input. So you really make a difference, from within!” 💚 WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? 1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work that allows you to make a positive impact. 2️⃣ Guidance by experienced volunteers so you can always turn to someone for help and advice. 3️⃣ You build a network and a lot of knowledge. 4️⃣ Volunteer allowance and expense reimbursement from the UWV that is not deducted from your benefit. 5️⃣ The experience you gain in the benefits working group looks great on your CV. 6️⃣ Possibility of training. ❔ INTEREST AND QUESTIONS Are you interested in or have questions about this position? Send an email to [email address hidden]

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Marketing communications
Management & organization
Guidance & coaching


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WANTED: participants for the UWV client council

The benefits working group wondered: "What are some ways we can stand up for the interests of Lyme patients even more and more broadly?" This led to the idea of having a Lyme patient on all UWV client councils (eleven spread across the country) who can represent us and stand up for the interests of Lyme patients.

The client council provides solicited and unsolicited input with UWV and provides advice. By fighting together with others for a better UWV policy, you can occasionally contribute something that will benefit tens of thousands of people in the future.

Over the past two years we have done a lot of recruitment to set up this project, but there has been no success yet due to a lack of registrations. Will you help us have real influence within the UWV?

More information about the client council can be found here:

[website hidden]

[website hidden] Clientenparticipatie-[phone number hidden](1).pdf

Participate on behalf of yourself and the association in the meetings of the UWV client council. You make known the experiences of yourself and other Lyme patients regarding policy, so that solutions can also be found. You also meet about the experiences that others have around the UWV.

Meet with the Lyme Association about action points and, together with the benefits working group, look at which action points are important.

Providing solicited and unsolicited advice to the UWV and thinking about how they can improve their service.

Anyone who:
Is busy with the UWV application or objection procedure
Have a UWV benefit.
Has a UWV facility.
Is registered as a job seeker with the UWV.

have Lyme and have to deal with the UWV, but have already processed these experiences to some extent so that a constructive conversation can take place.

You can raise the interests of Lyme patients, but you can also look at the interests of others in the client council.

Are able to read, understand and test documents.

Are willing to take training.

Are able to travel to meetings (transport can be arranged by the UWV). Often in your own region, but occasionally at a central point in the country

are available 2 days a week

“I can sit on the couch and sulk about that stupid UWV, or I can work so that other people don't run into the same things.”

“In many cases, the UWV actually does something with our input. So you really make a difference, from within!”

1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work that allows you to make a positive impact.
2️⃣ Guidance by experienced volunteers so you can always turn to someone for help and advice.
3️⃣ You build a network and a lot of knowledge.
4️⃣ Volunteer allowance and expense reimbursement from the UWV that is not deducted from your benefit.
5️⃣ The experience you gain in the benefits working group looks great on your CV.
6️⃣ Possibility of training.

Are you interested in or have questions about this position? Send an email to [email address hidden]

Practical information


Monthly from 2 to 20 hours




Additional guidance possible

Wheelchair accessible


Impact area
Advocacy & charities
Social & wellbeing
Marketing communications
Management & organization
Guidance & coaching
65% profile strength

About Lymevereniging

  • This request has been checked by the helpdesk
  • Lymevereniging has been registered on NLvoorelkaar since 19-01-2023
  • Multiple positive matches made

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Benefits Experts by Experience

Benefits Experts by Experience
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
Do you want to help patients in a vulnerable position with their job and income and directly contribute to a better quality of life? Then we are looking for you! 💪 What does the Lyme Association's working group do? Advise the board: This working group advises the Lyme Association's board on options to support people with Lyme in receiving an income replacement benefit (sickness benefits act, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.); questions are also raised about occupational health and safety regulations, the company doctor and the WMO. Provide training: In addition, the working group organizes the 'UWV training': a training that prepares people with Lyme for their disability trajectory. Guide clients: Finally, the working group has volunteers with a great deal of experience who guide individual people with Lyme in their application process, via email and telephone; we are now looking for an additional volunteer for this work. This guidance is not easy, because the subject matter is complicated and people experience a lot of headwind in obtaining a benefit. But the work is also extremely satisfying, because you often manage to help someone effectively. If you succeed, that person will be free of worries for years, and that is partly thanks to you. Depending on the time you are available, you will be assigned more or fewer applicants. 🔍 Who are we looking for? The benefits working group would like to add more people with a social-legal background to the team, so that our expertise becomes even broader. Think of occupational health and safety experts, (labour) lawyers, medical examiners, judges, psychologists and lawyers. Is your expertise not listed here, but do you think you can add something to our team? Then be sure to sign up! ⏱️ Location and commitment. Volunteer work for the benefits working group can be done entirely from home. It is possible to join UWV training courses (which sometimes take place on location), but this is not mandatory. Travel compensation is available for this. A commitment of at least 2 hours per week would be desirable. 💚 What can we offer you? 1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work with which you can have a direct positive impact on the lives of people in a vulnerable position. 2️⃣ Guidance from an experienced volunteer, so you can always turn to someone for help and advice. 3️⃣ This function can be done entirely from home and bed. 4️⃣ Volunteer allowance for a commitment of more than ten hours per month. 5️⃣ The option to regularly co-work with other volunteers. That is fun and practical. It is not mandatory to participate in this. 6️⃣ Expense allowance. 7️⃣ Possibility of training. ❗️Interested Do you want to join us in the benefits working group? Send us a message and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible! Do you not have a social legal background, but do you still want to commit yourself to the benefits working group? Then be sure to sign up!

Experience experts benefits at lyme

Experience experts benefits at lyme
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
Do you have experience with benefits/working with Lyme disease and do you want to help other patients with that experience? Then we are looking for you! 1-3 half days per month. Volunteer compensation, training and guidance possible! 🔍 WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? - People have experience with income replacement benefits for Lyme disease (for example: sickness benefit, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.). - People who have experience with work and Lyme disease (for example: Discussions with managers or insurance doctors or occupational health and safety services. Process that precedes the rejection). - People who are interested in the labor law side and the legal side of having Lyme. 💪 WHAT DOES THE WORKING GROUP DO? ADVISING THE BOARD: This working group advises the board of the Lyme Association on options to support people with Lyme in receiving income replacement benefits (sickness benefit, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.); questions are also raised about occupational health and safety rules, the company doctor and the WMO. PROVIDING TRAININGS: The working group also organizes the 'UWV training': a training that prepares people with Lyme for their disability trajectory. GUIDANCE CLIENTS: Finally, the working group has volunteers with a great deal of experience who guide individual people with Lyme through their application process, via email and telephone; We are now looking for an additional volunteer for this work. This guidance is not easy, because the matter is complicated and people experience a lot of resistance when obtaining benefits. But the work is also extremely satisfying, because we regularly manage to help someone effectively. If you succeed, such a person will be free of worries for years, and that is partly thanks to you. Depending on the time you are available, you will be assigned more or fewer applicants. ⏱️ LOCATION AND COMMITMENT Volunteer work with the benefits working group can be done entirely from home. It is possible to join UWV training courses (which sometimes take place on location), but this is not mandatory. Travel reimbursement is available for this. As an experienced expert, you work approximately 1 to 3 half days per month within the benefits working group. 💚 WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? 1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work with which you make a direct positive impact on the lives of people in a vulnerable position. 2️⃣ Guidance by experienced volunteers so you can always turn to someone for help and advice. 3️⃣ This function can be done entirely from home and bed. 4️⃣ Volunteer allowance for commitments of more than ten hours per month. 5️⃣ The option to regularly co-work with other volunteers. That is cozy and practical. It is not mandatory to participate. 6️⃣ Expense reimbursement. 7️⃣ Possibility of training. 8️⃣ The experience you gain in the benefits working group looks great on your CV. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: “I had a hopeless feeling about everything surrounding benefits, but because of the approach I see in the benefits working group, you see that you can give people more control and that gives satisfaction.” Would you like to join us as an experienced expert? Be sure to send us a message and we will talk to you as soon as possible!

Board Member Web Management - Lyme Association

Board Member Web Management - Lyme Association
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
💚 Want to help decide on the course of the Lyme Association? Register as a Board Member! Current board member Communications Lidewij Boeken will soon hand over her baton. Her tasks are split into two and that is why we are urgently looking for two new board members. In this call we are looking for a board member with a passion for web management, marketing and/or communication. Do you like this? Register via this link and we will talk to each other as soon as possible! Registering and starting a conversation is without obligation! 🥰 BEING A BOARD MEMBER IS MORE THAN JUST VOLUNTEER WORK 💚 Great colleagues: Within the board you work together with enthusiastic colleagues. In addition to respect and appreciation for each other, when we meet on location, we find it important to have fun while enjoying a tasty lunch, for example. You will also manage a team of friendly and driven volunteers who are passionate about their volunteer work. 💚 Develop yourself: Gain many different skills & knowledge and the opportunity to take all kinds of interesting courses through PGO support. 💚 A meaningful use of time: The website and the newsletter are THE places where we can show the outside world what wonderful things the association does. In addition, it helps to inform patients, their loved ones and experts about the disease and we can provide tools for diagnosis, treatment, help and contact with fellow sufferers. You actively contribute to this as a web editorial board member! 💚 Support from the board: Because you are actively committed to Lyme patients, the association will help you with good guidance, training, volunteer and expense reimbursement, so that you can carry out your work sustainably. 💪 WHAT DOES A BOARD MEMBER DO WEB MANAGEMENT? 1? ). 2️⃣👥 Web editorial team leader: Leading, directing, team meetings, dividing tasks, training volunteers, listening ear, first contact person, supporting team members, ultimately responsible for the website. 3️⃣📩 Newsletter coordinator: Devising and safeguarding strategy for the newsletter, managing newsletter volunteers, checking the quality of the newsletter, monitoring whether the interests of the association are being pursued, ultimately responsible for the newsletter. 4️⃣📣 Setting up campaigns: Developing the website implementation of campaigns from the Lyme Association, developing the strategy and then implementing the campaign with your team members. 5️⃣📈 Analyze statistics: Analyze the statistics of the website and newsletter every quarter, investigate whether adjustments need to be made to the strategy and pass on the statistics & findings to the board. 6️⃣💬 Communication with other departments: Collaborate with the other board members and communicate with other departments of the Lyme Association so that their work can be translated into website and newsletter content. 🔎 WE LOOK FOR YOU AS YOU: ✅ are available 20 to 25 hours per month. ✅ Have knowledge of copywriting, marketing or communication. ✅ Can lead empathetically. ✅ Have a connection with Lyme disease. 🙋 BOOKING A LIDEWIJ EXPERIENCE: ❓ Why did you become a board member? 💬  “Because I find it enjoyable and important to use the experiences I have gained to help others and hopefully improve situations. I also thought it was important to help decide which course the Lyme Association would take and that the association became more transparent to its members.” ❓ Why did you, as a board member, focus on web management? 💬 “A well-functioning, clear and accessible website and newsletter is extremely important. This contributes to the reach, but also the position of the association. In my opinion, it is indispensable if you want to be seen as a serious party as a patient association. I am grateful that I have been able to contribute in these areas, and that we are achieving great results. There is still a lot of work to be done, but you are never alone. A team of expert and motivated volunteers is ready to help you with this” ❓ Does someone need to know everything to become a board member? 💬 “Certainly not, I also started somewhere, and step by step you learn more and more. I would therefore like to commit myself until May 2024 to train and guide board members who will replace me. Other board members can also help you with this. You can take free courses through Fonds PGO and you will lead a team of expert and motivated volunteers. However, knowledge of Lyme disease, copywriting, marketing and/or communication is important for this position, but you can also gain additional knowledge for the last two through courses.” 💚 Would you like to take a chance and offer yourself as a web management board member? Be sure to send us a message and we will start a conversation soon! Registration is completely without obligation.

Assistant volunteer coordinator wanted

Assistant volunteer coordinator wanted
Monthly · 2 to 20 hours
Volunteers care a lot about others, but who takes care of them? Register as an assistant volunteer coordinator and support volunteers so they can make an even greater impact! Can be done from home and training is possible! Board member and volunteer coordinator Sanne Verrips is looking for a volunteer coordination assistant to help her with her tasks! The Lyme Association runs almost entirely on volunteers and properly guiding these volunteers is an important and valuable task. WHAT WILL YOU DO AS AN ASSISTANT VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR? 1️⃣🗒️ Helping coordinate volunteer policy: Guaranteeing and putting into practice the plans and agreements made regarding volunteers. 2️⃣👥 Maintaining contact with volunteers: Building a good relationship with volunteers and being a safe, accessible and pleasant point of contact for them. 3️⃣📣 Recruiting volunteers: Thinking about recruitment strategies and working with other departments to deploy them. 4️⃣💚 Training, guiding & supporting volunteers: Ensuring that our volunteers have the tools to work with confidence. 5️⃣🎓 Encouraging expertise development: Recommending courses and training and assessing where further education is needed. 6️⃣📊 Relationship management & volunteer satisfaction inventory: Ensure that volunteers feel heard and problems can be addressed quickly. 7️⃣🥰 Showing appreciation to volunteers: Volunteers show that we greatly appreciate what they do for the Lyme Association. 💬 EXPERIENCE SANNE VERRIPS “Our volunteers do so much for the association. Giving them support, guidance, appreciation, a safe working atmosphere and the opportunity to develop is extremely satisfying. I have been given the great task of being extra busy with that.” ✅ BENEFITS OF THIS FEATURE 💚 Can be done from home 💚 Arrange your time yourself 💚 Good guidance 💚 Possibility to co-work 💚 Possibility of training 💚 Volunteer allowance 💚 Expense reimbursement 💚 Tasks tailored to your capacity 💪 FEATURES THAT MAY BE USEFUL: Social Ordered Customer service mindset Communication skills Being able to process feedback from volunteers Being able to deliver custom work. Every volunteer you interact with is different. 🙋 Would you like to work with Sanne for the Lyme Association for our volunteers? Be sure to send us a message! Due to the holidays, the introductory meetings will take place in the new year. Then we can start fresh together!

Member coordinator - Lyme Association

Member coordinator - Lyme Association
Monthly · 2 to 20 hours
Do you have a passion for organizing and supporting? Then register as a membership coordinator! There is no Lyme association without members, so we want to welcome them well, support them and ensure that they feel heard! Can be done from home and further training possible! WHAT WILL YOU DO AS A MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR? 1️⃣💚 Welcoming new members: Thanking, welcoming and sending a welcome package to new members. 2️⃣🙋 Point of contact for members: To be a place where members can ask all their questions and ask for help. 3️⃣📊 Relationship management & inventory of member satisfaction: Ensuring that members feel heard and connected to the association and ensuring that possible problems can be addressed quickly. 4️⃣📞 Contact regarding contributions: Help members with questions regarding contributions and contact us about unpaid contributions. 5️⃣📣 Member recruitment: Thinking about recruitment strategies and working with other departments to implement them. ✅ BENEFITS OF THIS FEATURE 💚 Can be done from home 💚 Arrange your time yourself 💚 Good guidance 💚 Possibility to co-work 💚 Possibility of training 💚 Volunteer allowance 💚 Expense reimbursement 💚 Tasks tailored to your capacity 💪 FEATURES THAT MAY BE USEFUL: Social & polite Customer service mindset Communication skills Being able to process feedback from volunteers Being able to deliver custom work. Every volunteer you interact with is different. 🙋 Would you like to work for the members of the Lyme Association? Be sure to send us a message! We want to give candidates plenty of time to register. That is why all candidates will be contacted in February for an introductory interview.

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Member coordinator - Lyme Association

Member coordinator - Lyme Association
Monthly · 2 to 20 hours
Do you have a passion for organizing and supporting? Then register as a membership coordinator! There is no Lyme association without members, so we want to welcome them well, support them and ensure that they feel heard! Can be done from home and further training possible! WHAT WILL YOU DO AS A MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR? 1️⃣💚 Welcoming new members: Thanking, welcoming and sending a welcome package to new members. 2️⃣🙋 Point of contact for members: To be a place where members can ask all their questions and ask for help. 3️⃣📊 Relationship management & inventory of member satisfaction: Ensuring that members feel heard and connected to the association and ensuring that possible problems can be addressed quickly. 4️⃣📞 Contact regarding contributions: Help members with questions regarding contributions and contact us about unpaid contributions. 5️⃣📣 Member recruitment: Thinking about recruitment strategies and working with other departments to implement them. ✅ BENEFITS OF THIS FEATURE 💚 Can be done from home 💚 Arrange your time yourself 💚 Good guidance 💚 Possibility to co-work 💚 Possibility of training 💚 Volunteer allowance 💚 Expense reimbursement 💚 Tasks tailored to your capacity 💪 FEATURES THAT MAY BE USEFUL: Social & polite Customer service mindset Communication skills Being able to process feedback from volunteers Being able to deliver custom work. Every volunteer you interact with is different. 🙋 Would you like to work for the members of the Lyme Association? Be sure to send us a message! We want to give candidates plenty of time to register. That is why all candidates will be contacted in February for an introductory interview.

Experience experts benefits at lyme

Experience experts benefits at lyme
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
Do you have experience with benefits/working with Lyme disease and do you want to help other patients with that experience? Then we are looking for you! 1-3 half days per month. Volunteer compensation, training and guidance possible! 🔍 WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? - People have experience with income replacement benefits for Lyme disease (for example: sickness benefit, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.). - People who have experience with work and Lyme disease (for example: Discussions with managers or insurance doctors or occupational health and safety services. Process that precedes the rejection). - People who are interested in the labor law side and the legal side of having Lyme. 💪 WHAT DOES THE WORKING GROUP DO? ADVISING THE BOARD: This working group advises the board of the Lyme Association on options to support people with Lyme in receiving income replacement benefits (sickness benefit, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.); questions are also raised about occupational health and safety rules, the company doctor and the WMO. PROVIDING TRAININGS: The working group also organizes the 'UWV training': a training that prepares people with Lyme for their disability trajectory. GUIDANCE CLIENTS: Finally, the working group has volunteers with a great deal of experience who guide individual people with Lyme through their application process, via email and telephone; We are now looking for an additional volunteer for this work. This guidance is not easy, because the matter is complicated and people experience a lot of resistance when obtaining benefits. But the work is also extremely satisfying, because we regularly manage to help someone effectively. If you succeed, such a person will be free of worries for years, and that is partly thanks to you. Depending on the time you are available, you will be assigned more or fewer applicants. ⏱️ LOCATION AND COMMITMENT Volunteer work with the benefits working group can be done entirely from home. It is possible to join UWV training courses (which sometimes take place on location), but this is not mandatory. Travel reimbursement is available for this. As an experienced expert, you work approximately 1 to 3 half days per month within the benefits working group. 💚 WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? 1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work with which you make a direct positive impact on the lives of people in a vulnerable position. 2️⃣ Guidance by experienced volunteers so you can always turn to someone for help and advice. 3️⃣ This function can be done entirely from home and bed. 4️⃣ Volunteer allowance for commitments of more than ten hours per month. 5️⃣ The option to regularly co-work with other volunteers. That is cozy and practical. It is not mandatory to participate. 6️⃣ Expense reimbursement. 7️⃣ Possibility of training. 8️⃣ The experience you gain in the benefits working group looks great on your CV. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: “I had a hopeless feeling about everything surrounding benefits, but because of the approach I see in the benefits working group, you see that you can give people more control and that gives satisfaction.” Would you like to join us as an experienced expert? Be sure to send us a message and we will talk to you as soon as possible!

Board Member Web Management - Lyme Association

Board Member Web Management - Lyme Association
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
💚 Want to help decide on the course of the Lyme Association? Register as a Board Member! Current board member Communications Lidewij Boeken will soon hand over her baton. Her tasks are split into two and that is why we are urgently looking for two new board members. In this call we are looking for a board member with a passion for web management, marketing and/or communication. Do you like this? Register via this link and we will talk to each other as soon as possible! Registering and starting a conversation is without obligation! 🥰 BEING A BOARD MEMBER IS MORE THAN JUST VOLUNTEER WORK 💚 Great colleagues: Within the board you work together with enthusiastic colleagues. In addition to respect and appreciation for each other, when we meet on location, we find it important to have fun while enjoying a tasty lunch, for example. You will also manage a team of friendly and driven volunteers who are passionate about their volunteer work. 💚 Develop yourself: Gain many different skills & knowledge and the opportunity to take all kinds of interesting courses through PGO support. 💚 A meaningful use of time: The website and the newsletter are THE places where we can show the outside world what wonderful things the association does. In addition, it helps to inform patients, their loved ones and experts about the disease and we can provide tools for diagnosis, treatment, help and contact with fellow sufferers. You actively contribute to this as a web editorial board member! 💚 Support from the board: Because you are actively committed to Lyme patients, the association will help you with good guidance, training, volunteer and expense reimbursement, so that you can carry out your work sustainably. 💪 WHAT DOES A BOARD MEMBER DO WEB MANAGEMENT? 1? ). 2️⃣👥 Web editorial team leader: Leading, directing, team meetings, dividing tasks, training volunteers, listening ear, first contact person, supporting team members, ultimately responsible for the website. 3️⃣📩 Newsletter coordinator: Devising and safeguarding strategy for the newsletter, managing newsletter volunteers, checking the quality of the newsletter, monitoring whether the interests of the association are being pursued, ultimately responsible for the newsletter. 4️⃣📣 Setting up campaigns: Developing the website implementation of campaigns from the Lyme Association, developing the strategy and then implementing the campaign with your team members. 5️⃣📈 Analyze statistics: Analyze the statistics of the website and newsletter every quarter, investigate whether adjustments need to be made to the strategy and pass on the statistics & findings to the board. 6️⃣💬 Communication with other departments: Collaborate with the other board members and communicate with other departments of the Lyme Association so that their work can be translated into website and newsletter content. 🔎 WE LOOK FOR YOU AS YOU: ✅ are available 20 to 25 hours per month. ✅ Have knowledge of copywriting, marketing or communication. ✅ Can lead empathetically. ✅ Have a connection with Lyme disease. 🙋 BOOKING A LIDEWIJ EXPERIENCE: ❓ Why did you become a board member? 💬  “Because I find it enjoyable and important to use the experiences I have gained to help others and hopefully improve situations. I also thought it was important to help decide which course the Lyme Association would take and that the association became more transparent to its members.” ❓ Why did you, as a board member, focus on web management? 💬 “A well-functioning, clear and accessible website and newsletter is extremely important. This contributes to the reach, but also the position of the association. In my opinion, it is indispensable if you want to be seen as a serious party as a patient association. I am grateful that I have been able to contribute in these areas, and that we are achieving great results. There is still a lot of work to be done, but you are never alone. A team of expert and motivated volunteers is ready to help you with this” ❓ Does someone need to know everything to become a board member? 💬 “Certainly not, I also started somewhere, and step by step you learn more and more. I would therefore like to commit myself until May 2024 to train and guide board members who will replace me. Other board members can also help you with this. You can take free courses through Fonds PGO and you will lead a team of expert and motivated volunteers. However, knowledge of Lyme disease, copywriting, marketing and/or communication is important for this position, but you can also gain additional knowledge for the last two through courses.” 💚 Would you like to take a chance and offer yourself as a web management board member? Be sure to send us a message and we will start a conversation soon! Registration is completely without obligation.

Benefits Experts by Experience

Benefits Experts by Experience
Monthly · 1 to 20 hours
Do you want to help patients in a vulnerable position with their job and income and directly contribute to a better quality of life? Then we are looking for you! 💪 What does the Lyme Association's working group do? Advise the board: This working group advises the Lyme Association's board on options to support people with Lyme in receiving an income replacement benefit (sickness benefits act, WIA, IVA, Wajong, social assistance, etc.); questions are also raised about occupational health and safety regulations, the company doctor and the WMO. Provide training: In addition, the working group organizes the 'UWV training': a training that prepares people with Lyme for their disability trajectory. Guide clients: Finally, the working group has volunteers with a great deal of experience who guide individual people with Lyme in their application process, via email and telephone; we are now looking for an additional volunteer for this work. This guidance is not easy, because the subject matter is complicated and people experience a lot of headwind in obtaining a benefit. But the work is also extremely satisfying, because you often manage to help someone effectively. If you succeed, that person will be free of worries for years, and that is partly thanks to you. Depending on the time you are available, you will be assigned more or fewer applicants. 🔍 Who are we looking for? The benefits working group would like to add more people with a social-legal background to the team, so that our expertise becomes even broader. Think of occupational health and safety experts, (labour) lawyers, medical examiners, judges, psychologists and lawyers. Is your expertise not listed here, but do you think you can add something to our team? Then be sure to sign up! ⏱️ Location and commitment. Volunteer work for the benefits working group can be done entirely from home. It is possible to join UWV training courses (which sometimes take place on location), but this is not mandatory. Travel compensation is available for this. A commitment of at least 2 hours per week would be desirable. 💚 What can we offer you? 1️⃣ Interesting volunteer work with which you can have a direct positive impact on the lives of people in a vulnerable position. 2️⃣ Guidance from an experienced volunteer, so you can always turn to someone for help and advice. 3️⃣ This function can be done entirely from home and bed. 4️⃣ Volunteer allowance for a commitment of more than ten hours per month. 5️⃣ The option to regularly co-work with other volunteers. That is fun and practical. It is not mandatory to participate in this. 6️⃣ Expense allowance. 7️⃣ Possibility of training. ❗️Interested Do you want to join us in the benefits working group? Send us a message and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible! Do you not have a social legal background, but do you still want to commit yourself to the benefits working group? Then be sure to sign up!

Assistant volunteer coordinator wanted

Assistant volunteer coordinator wanted
Monthly · 2 to 20 hours
Volunteers care a lot about others, but who takes care of them? Register as an assistant volunteer coordinator and support volunteers so they can make an even greater impact! Can be done from home and training is possible! Board member and volunteer coordinator Sanne Verrips is looking for a volunteer coordination assistant to help her with her tasks! The Lyme Association runs almost entirely on volunteers and properly guiding these volunteers is an important and valuable task. WHAT WILL YOU DO AS AN ASSISTANT VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR? 1️⃣🗒️ Helping coordinate volunteer policy: Guaranteeing and putting into practice the plans and agreements made regarding volunteers. 2️⃣👥 Maintaining contact with volunteers: Building a good relationship with volunteers and being a safe, accessible and pleasant point of contact for them. 3️⃣📣 Recruiting volunteers: Thinking about recruitment strategies and working with other departments to deploy them. 4️⃣💚 Training, guiding & supporting volunteers: Ensuring that our volunteers have the tools to work with confidence. 5️⃣🎓 Encouraging expertise development: Recommending courses and training and assessing where further education is needed. 6️⃣📊 Relationship management & volunteer satisfaction inventory: Ensure that volunteers feel heard and problems can be addressed quickly. 7️⃣🥰 Showing appreciation to volunteers: Volunteers show that we greatly appreciate what they do for the Lyme Association. 💬 EXPERIENCE SANNE VERRIPS “Our volunteers do so much for the association. Giving them support, guidance, appreciation, a safe working atmosphere and the opportunity to develop is extremely satisfying. I have been given the great task of being extra busy with that.” ✅ BENEFITS OF THIS FEATURE 💚 Can be done from home 💚 Arrange your time yourself 💚 Good guidance 💚 Possibility to co-work 💚 Possibility of training 💚 Volunteer allowance 💚 Expense reimbursement 💚 Tasks tailored to your capacity 💪 FEATURES THAT MAY BE USEFUL: Social Ordered Customer service mindset Communication skills Being able to process feedback from volunteers Being able to deliver custom work. Every volunteer you interact with is different. 🙋 Would you like to work with Sanne for the Lyme Association for our volunteers? Be sure to send us a message! Due to the holidays, the introductory meetings will take place in the new year. Then we can start fresh together!

Will you help Shahed (17) complete his HAVO?

Will you help Shahed (17) complete his HAVO?
Spoorzone Noord
Weekly · 1 to 2 hours
Shahed (17) would like to complete HAVO. Will you help her with Dutch? Thanks to the help of another homeschooling buddy, Shahed was able to complete her VMBO with good grades. Now she is in 4 Havo and can use some extra support again. She is looking for an online TOMaatje who wants to help her successfully complete high school. Do you want to help someone realize her potential? We are looking for a volunteer for Shahed who: - Want to teach online once a week. - Has a good command of the Dutch language. - Is not afraid of the upper secondary school material to ensure that you can make good agreements. In consultation, you agree on a time during the week when you can provide online support. After that, it's time to have fun contact with each other and, above all, do a lot of homework together. How do we support you? You will receive guidance from TOMaatjes at the start, with tips for lesson content and access to the community with other TOMaatjes in it. Every 1-2 months there is an online intervision with lectures from professionals or you can discuss in groups how you can get more out of the tutoring. What do I need for it? - Be open to another culture. - Before you can start, we will request a Certificate of Good Conduct for you free of charge. Once it has arrived, you can start as soon as possible. - Want to help with everything that is covered in the upper years of HAVO. Being a homeschooling buddy is truly a very rewarding task. It starts with tutoring, but many of our volunteers really build a bond with the family where they work. Shahed's previous TOMaatje wrote this about her: "Until last summer holidays, I (as TOMaatje) guided a Syrian girl for 3 years, during which she transitioned from framework to theoretical, with the end result being a T-diploma with an average above 7. A wonderful result that gives me great satisfaction. left, and she can still fall back on me. My reward was her facial expression and that of her parents when I unexpectedly appeared at the graduation ceremony." We hope to welcome you soon if TOMaatje for Shahed or one of the many other children could use help.

TOMATOES for newcomer kids!

TOMATOES for newcomer kids!
Spoorzone Noord
Weekly · 1 to 2 hours
In short: Do you help newcomers find their way in the Dutch education system in a sensible, dignified and smooth way? Make an impact as a TOBaatje of a child or young person from a newcomer family! How? Support online (or offline/physical) 1 to 2 hours per week with practicing the Dutch language and other subjects that are challenging. Profile: - You are proficient in the Dutch language - Familiarity with the Dutch education system - Very nice if you have a background in education, pedagogy, speech therapy, or are an experienced school expert yourself. - Curious about or can easily deal with other cultures - You have the time and space to meet with children weekly Job description: As a TOBaatje you help a child/young person (7-18 years) from a newcomer family if homeschooling is not going well. You offer support with doing homework, practicing the Dutch language, arithmetic and other challenging school subjects. Sometimes you have the role of mentor/buddy. Are you available for 1 or more hours per week for at least 3 months to guide someone? Then this is the perfect vacancy for you! What do you get offered: As a volunteer TOMaatje, you make an impact in the life of a child/young person. We give you access to an online community of volunteers, where tips and knowledge about guidance are shared. We regularly have intervision sessions and workshops for our volunteers. What is the added value of this volunteer work? Through your efforts, you ensure that children and young people improve their Dutch language and can ask questions about their homework. This is of great importance for their school career. You can also support the parents and help them find their way in the Dutch education system. Meaningful work with a major social impact! At the same time, you get to know a newcomer family better and you are part of a community of around 300 enthusiastic TOMaatjes. Working hours: Whatever suits you, the child/young person and the parents best. This is done in consultation. The actual guidance takes place online via zoom, skype or another medium, depending on your preference or offline, physically at the family home. Want to know more? Want to participate? Respond to this vacancy with your email details and we will contact you. You can also register directly via our website. Kind regards, TOMaatjes Team

Make a lonely elderly person in your neighborhood happy!

Make a lonely elderly person in your neighborhood happy!
Weekly · 2 to 4 hours
Oma's Soep
Do you want to contribute to the life of an elderly person in your area? You can make the difference. Become a volunteer at Grandma's Soep! We are Oma's Soep, a fast-growing social enterprise that combats loneliness among the elderly by bringing young and old together. We do this by organizing old-fashioned fun cooking days, visiting lonely elderly people in the neighborhood and by organizing extraordinary events. We finance all of this by selling our fresh and healthy soups and meals in food service and retail. We are now active in 14 cities and visit more than a thousand elderly people throughout the Netherlands every week. Our goal is to make as many elderly people happy as possible and you can help us with that! We currently organize two types of activities throughout the Netherlands every week. Cooking days The Grandma's Soup Cooking Days are always about fun and enjoyment. It is a unique combination to make delicious soups together with young and old. During the Cooking Days, vegetables that would otherwise be thrown away are used. The Cooking Days are organized at various locations and participation takes approximately 3 hours. An afternoon full of board games, tall stories, even more jokes and of course delicious soup! Soup-at-home days With the Soep-at-home days we reach the elderly who need company the most. We reach a large group of vulnerable elderly people through local GPs, physiotherapists, the supermarket around the corner and many other supporters. Every week we deliver packages full of our delicious soup, a motivating card and a surprise to the home of the elderly in your area. Take a moment to have a cup of coffee with your neighbor, take a walk or do something together. The Soup-at-home day is organized weekly from a fixed location and participation takes approximately 2-3 hours. Your smile, pleasant chat or short moment of contact can make a world of difference for our elderly. Everyone is welcome at Oma's Soep and participation is free for both volunteers and the elderly. Register by visiting our website for your city for current dates, times and locations. NEW! Grandma's Pen/Call Friend In addition to our weekly activities throughout the Netherlands, we now also bring young and old into contact with each other to become Pen or Call Friends. This means that volunteers and elderly people occasionally send each other a card/letter or call each other, creating a personal bond. In this way we combat loneliness on an even larger scale and at a deeper level. Are you participating? Take a look at our page where all the grandparents who would like to get in touch with someone like you are listed. Discover their hobbies and interests, leave a message with the person who appeals to you, and who knows, you might soon have a new friend to write or call!
Young people

Card for lonely elderly

Card for lonely elderly
Once · 0 to 1 hours
Give the elderly a smile by sending a nice card! Many elderly people in the Netherlands feel lonely. A postcard helps against that feeling, and is easy to write. We ensure that your postcards end up with lonely elderly people throughout the Netherlands. Do you also send a card to the elderly? ✅ It works very simply: 1. Click on 'I'll participate' below 2. Leave your name and e-mail address (or log in), so we know who wants to participate in the promotion 3. You will receive an address and tips for writing and sending your card. You can do this from home and of course also together with colleagues, friends or your family. The more the merrier! Done, you have given somebody a big smile! #doing good Also suitable as #familyvolunteering
Young people
(small) groups